Saturday, April 24, 2010

Julia Child, Godspell and Chinese Dance

Julia Child came today bringing her chickens and recounting her tales of Paris and her love of French food and her husband Paulski as she affectionately referred to him. We had about 20 ladies (yes they were all women) who came to watch Mary Ann Jung perform as Julia. My goodness she was just so brilliant and so knowledgeable. She researches these parts for a year or so to make sure she is totally familiar with the character. I think I speak on behalf of all the ladies who attended that a great time was had by all.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I met Mary Ann last year in Cumberland when she was performing Amelia Earhart, and I was so taken with her portrayal that I told her she had to come to the B&B. I am so happy that she managed to find time for us.
Mary Ann also does murder mystery weekends and has twelve other roles that she performs all over the country for the Smithsonian and for the Renaissance Festival. So I think I will get her to do a murder mystery in November and perform Elizabeth I next year. And this time all the audience can be dressed in period costumes. She promised she would teach us an Elizabethan dance at the end of the performance too. So as soon as I can firm up some dates with her I will put it on the website.
Now it may seem a little odd to juxtapose Julia Child with Godspell but on Thursday I went to Frostburg University's production of Godspell. It was a twenty first century version with a very modern set, hip hop dancing and references to Survivor, the Sopranos, Donald Trump, AIG and many other current events. I wasn't sure I would like a modern version but it really worked. I particularly liked a young lady by the name of Ines Nassara who led the ensemble in the number "Oh Bless the Lord".
See we may be out in the country here, but we get our fair share of culture and usually have to pay a lot less for the privilege. After Julia I went to Garrett College and saw a young lady by the name of Yu Wei perform some beautiful Chinese dances. I am so busy attending all these performances that I barely have time to do much else!
Anyway I am planning a lot of new activities and still keeping the ones that our guests love, like the Romantic Getaways and the Girlfriends weekend. So come and spend a few days with us and let us pamper you with our hospitality and great food.
Wishing you all much health, love and joy
Kam Gillespie

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Art Workshop etc.

I just wanted to show you that it really is spring here in Garrett County. This is a view of my cherry tree in full bloom. I think spring is early this year because this time last year the forsythia hadn't even flowered. Right after that really bad winter we had a couple of weeks when the temperature shot up to the 80's and I am sure it confused all the plants. And last weekend when we had the art workshop it was threatening to snow (didn't quite make it fortunately).

By the way that art workshop was so much fun. Thank you Robert for making it so interesting. I learned a lot and hope that I will get my paints out more than once a year. This was the first art workshop we have held at the B&B and I hope to have at least a couple every year. Thank you also to all of you who attended. I thought you were a great group - fun and supportive.

And now its on to Julia Child. Julia (as portrayed by actress Mary Ann Jung) will entertain us on Saturday April 24. It promises to be a lot of fun, so if you haven't got any plans for this weekend, just head out to Haley Farm. After the session there will be Q&A (and Mary Ann has really researched the part) followed by English tea and the movie Julie and Julia.

I have some other packages I am working on too - details of which I will be putting up on the website soon. In particular I want guests to explore nearby attractions such as Falling Water and Kentuck Knob (both designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright and within an hour of the B&B). We will make the reservations for you and pack you a picnic lunch and all you have to do is enjoy the ride. And if any of you are interested in riding the Allegheny Passage (this is a biking, hiking trail that runs from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, and eventually to Washington DC) then consider making Haley Farm one of your stops along the way. If you would like to spend a night or two at the B&B we could arrange to have you picked up on the route, or you could bike to us from there. In any case since it's only a maximum of 2% grade (not steep in other words). It's worth giving it a try - I am going to.

I am also working on offering Nutrition retreats at the B&B. I attended one of these retreats overseas earlier this year. It was based on Naturopathy and I found it really easy to lose weight in that controlled environment while eating healthy wholesome food, and exercising regularly. For most of us it's hard to do on our own (too many temptations and distractions). So I thought if I could offer a whole week (including room, food, exercise and lectures) at a reasonable price, that it would benefit a lot of people. I was thinking of offering the first one in September but if there are a group of you (6 or more) that want to do it sooner, I could look into it.

Anyway I will be putting more information on these soon on the website. And don't forget the Highland Festival is coming up on the first weekend in June. Wear your kilts and bonnie outfits and join in the fun.

So till next time, wishing you great joy and happiness
Kam Gillespie