Monday, August 13, 2012

I can't believe its been so long since I last posted a blog. I keep meaning to, but time just seems to be getting away from me. Anyway I hope that life has been less hectic for you than what I have experienced. There is always something to do here. A new fan here, new carpeting there, a new light fixture there. That doesn't include redoing the barn blocks and gutters and other endless repairs.

I was so sad that I had to chop down my wisteria bushes. Wayne had planted them eigteen years ago and they were so beautiful. I loved the faint scent they gave off and the beautiful flowers. But it is such a strong vine, and it was strangling the silos. So reluctantly I let them destroy it.

Summer has been fairly hot (I am sure everywhere). Much hotter than what I am used to. I used to say you don't really need air conditioning here in Deep Creek, but we have it. Well I think this year we actually needed it. We didnt get above 90 degrees even then, but now we are back to our normal tempratures of being in the 70s. That's a relief.

There has been much going on in the area. I went to some of the free concerts at the Little Yough Music Festival (these are free on Friday evenings). I love it that you can bring your own chair and food and relax to some good music. They had the Pirates of Penzeance on in Cumberland (about an hour from here) and they are going to be doing a Bollywood Festival on August 27 at Frostburg (45 minutes from here). I am definitely planning on going to that. If you watch "So You Think You Can Dance" you have probably seen a Bollywood dance production, and they even had a Bollywood number in the closing ceremony of the Olympics in London.

So it hasn't entirely been all work and no play. We also had the County Fair in the summer, and lots of great bands playing there too.

We have the Art and Wine Festival coming up the weekend after Labor Day (September 7-9). I'm often a guest pourer at these events. Last year I bought some chocolate wine that was just incredible. Its a great way to sample new wines and stock up on supplies for the holidays. I'm offering 10% off a two night stay at the B&B, if you come for the Art and Wine Fesitival, so that will more than pay for your entrance fee.

So enjoy the rest of the summer and keep cool.

Love and blessings,
